REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. REDCap features a high degree of customizability for your forms and advanced user right control. It also features free, unlimited survey functionality, a sophisticated export module with support for all the popular statistical programs, and supports HIPAA compliance.

This intermediate level video covers the following topics:

  • The Data Dictionary
  • Setting up a Longitudinal Project
  • Importing Data from a Spreadsheet
  • Customizing the Record Status Dashboard and Other Views
  • Beyond the Basic Survey
  • Repeating Instruments and Events
  • Quality Management:
  • Data Quality Rules
  • The Field Comment Log and Query Resolution
  • Record Locking Customization
  • Randomization
  • Data Access Groups
  • Reports

By the end of the video, participants will be able to:

  • Implement and design longitudinal projects and projects with repeating instruments
  • Use Record Status Dashboard, Reports, and Data Dictionary to create and monitor projects
  • Manage study quality and access using data quality rules, commenting, and access groups

Never used REDCap before? You should watch REDCap Basic Training first. Sign up here:

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